Baba on Anticipation


Baba on Anticipation

Baba’s founder and president Giulia Ceriani is going to attend the <i>First International Conference on Anticipation</i>. The conference will take place in Trento from the 5th to the 7th of November.

Giulia is going to speak about future-thinking, socio-semiotics and anticipation. She will focus about the analytical setting useful to read transformation markers, fads and signs that resist to an unique attribution, and trace the inversion of invested values.

Other important scholars – such as Alessandro Gretter (University of Innsbruck Leopold- Franzes), Catie Burlando (Special Advisor to IUCN – CEESP Steering Committee on Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Partnership), Federica Corrado (Polytechnic of Turin and CIPRA), Marcela Olmedo (University of Kent), Roberto Poli (University of Trento and UNESCO Chair in Anticipatory Systems) will give lectures.
Conference website

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