Myth / Community – Hackers / Gamers


Myth / Community – Hackers / Gamers

Just a couple of quick notes stemmed from our everyday netsurfing, about two revived and growing figures. Welcome to our new babablog.

The discrete charm of the anti-hero

Some may find figures such as Prince Charming or the Endangered Lady still attractive. But most of us today rather prefer: Badasses. 2015 controversial US series #MrRobot brought back the figure of the hacker under the spotlight: the guy in the shadow who, thanks to his/her expertise, manages to sabotage “the system”, revealing the truth, saving the world – Just think of #theMatrix.

#Hackers have fascinating, archetypical features: “hacker” means the leader, the rebel, the masked one, the sage, the thief – The mercenary, sometimes. Today’s buzzwords are definitely #bigdata and #privacy: and they do lie at the heart of hacking. Hackers have become the new warlords, both good and bad, of our times – Haven’t they?

Playing as a dead serious deal

#Games. They help us living our lives both within and outside – that’s what we now call #gamification – the “magic circle” (Huizinga). They both need and make much more money than a Hollywood blockbuster (#Destiny’s budget was 500 million, #JurassicWorld 150). Their users are a growing community (whose economical and political influence is growing too).

Since the very first utopian manifestos of #electronicliterature, up to the pioneering Mark America’s “flash aesthetics”, it has been crystal clear that cinema was the new literature. And that videogames were the new cinema. It was not only a matter of technological gimmicks, of special effects, and #CGI, but of the quality of the immersive experience designers started producing and #gamers started getting (and requiring). Just like comics, with graphic novels, games stopped being labelled as something childish and entered the realm of pop(ular) culture in every respect.

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