Sadiq Khan Mayor of London and populism

Schermata 2016-05-27 alle 14.19.56

Sadiq Khan Mayor of London and populism

Sadiq Khan was elected Mayor of London a couple of weeks ago. Not surprisingly international Information left little room for his political plan and concentrated mostly on his life. Sadiq Khan’s biography seems to be a powerful synthesis of western ideological and sociocultural frictions: on one side his muslim heritage comes as a message of change, from one of the most powerful western institutions. Secondly, the victory of the son of an immigrant bus driver over the son of one of the most important families in finance, tells something about loss of privilege in Europe, in a moment in which Trump sadly confirms the direct link between money and political success in the US. Thirdly, Khan represents the perfect synthesis of the new labour parties, the new soft lefts: basically in the center, where a social democrats background melt with a solid belief in enterprises and capitalism. While Beppe Grillo jokes grossly and the Donald frightens, we are looking to see how populist drives are going to evolve.



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