

What is future? What will be after the future? Which is the future’s future? Starting from the Alec Ross’ book “The Industries of the Future”, […]

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Isn’t the bathroom your perfect in-box for drafting the future’s most urging strategies? So, come with us to surf on the very new trends of […]

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On February 8th at Accenture Customer Innovation Center in Milan, our CEO Giulia Ceriani has introduced the main trends for 2018-19, matched by Accenture Interactive […]

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#BCM17 – GIULIA CERIANI ABOUT BIG DATA AND GOOGLE TRENDS Google is twenty years old: how our life and the future are changing as a […]

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While waiting for the next German big voting round, the impressive Macron’s consensus wave in yesterday French Elections seems to give Europe a new chance […]

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Alle 2 GIORNATE SULLA SOSTENIBILITÁ baba sarà presente con una relazione sul rapporto tra mobilità e ambiente tenuta da Giulia Ceriani L’evento è promosso da […]

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In questi giorni Google ha annunciato la sospensione del progetto Ara, uno smartphone con design modulare. La motivazione ufficiale secondo la rivista #Reuters è rinconducibile […]

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On April 13th, on the occasion of Milano Design Week (April 11-17), a meeting around the topic #SURFACE will be held at the headquarters of […]

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