On February 19th, 2025-5pm (CET) the annual presentation of TREND MONITOR Forecast will be presented by Giulia Ceriani on Zoom. Mandatory pre-registration baba@babaconsulting.com
We are an independent market research institute, founded in 2001 by Giulia Ceriani and ESOMAR affiliated. We are passionate by anticipation, scenario analysis, trendwatching and strategic consulting, semiotics is our great thinking tool. We can rely on a powerful, smart and of course international team, to offer an innovative approach to each marketing and communication issue.
• Purpose blends of market insights to fit advanced aims B2B and B2C.
• People and brands meeting off and online through quali-quantitative touchpoints.
• Social listening and online brand communities.
• Single-source research activities that integrate gaming, engaging, bottom up intelligence.
• Forecast and assessment of anticipation as a best practice.
• Cultural and semiotic integration for a multi-cultural and changing society.
• Deep activation to drive innovation labs.
• Flexible platforms for brand expression in a continuous dialogue with their chosen recipients.
OUR tools
Analytical quality and innovation identify baba approach and are distinguishing features of our know-how.
Community Web-Panel
Brands' future anticipation
From Big to Good Data
On-the-go research opportunities
Semiotic analysis
Scenario analysis and trend monitoring
In our job case histories belong to our customers only, as it should be. Here follows a few of possible examples of the type of methodological input and support provided to some of our clients.
Amadori * Alberto Cremona * Alcantara * Alfa Romeo * Allaxia * Alitalia * Altroconsumo * Arclinea * Armando Testa * Artsana * Avantgrade * Ballantine’s * Barilla * Beiersdorf * Binda * Bolton * Bormioli * Bottega Verde * British American Tobacco * Bud * CandiaItalia * Carré Noir *
Chiquita * Citifin * Clergerie
A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed / Ibsen, H.
Colombo * Costa Crociere * DeaKids * Deborah Italia * Disaronno * eBay * Edizioni S.Paolo * EGL * Enel * ENPAP * Entremont * Essenza * Esselunga * Ferrero * Fiat * Frette * Futurebrand * Giò Rossi Associati * Geox * Grey Worldwide * Gruppo Afin * Gruppo Coin * Gruppo Sigma Tau *
Hachette * Heineken Italia * Hilti Italia
Que faire de l'écologie politique? Rien. Que faire? De l'écologie politique! / Latour, B.
H3G * IFM * Il Sole 24 Ore * Ikea * Intesa Sanpaolo * La7 * Lodigrana * L’Oréal * LG * Lovable * Luxottica * Maico * Manifatture Bianchetti * McKinsey * Mediaset * Metro * Modafil * MTV * Nespresso * Nestlé * Novartis * Oticon * OVS * Pandora * Panzani * Pasquali
Tout lecteur, avec plus ou moins d'effort, cherche du sens au-delà de ce qui relève
au premier abord du non-sens / Greimas, A. J.
Pernod * Philip Morris * Pirelli RE * Peroni * Playstation * Playtex * Pinko * Publicis * Pupa * Rai * Recordati * Renault * Sammontana * Sistema Moda Italia * Spirale Arte * Star * Stock * Telecom * TotalErg * Unicredit * Unilever * Zambon * Zucchi
I sistemi complessi dell'organizzazione sono sottoposti a valorizzazioni estetiche
sempre più consapevoli / Calabrese, O.
On February 19th, 2025-5pm (CET) the annual presentation of TREND MONITOR Forecast will be presented by Giulia Ceriani on Zoom. Mandatory pre-registration baba@babaconsulting.com
On February 15th, 5 pm, the annual presentation of the international forecast run by baba since 2001 will be presented on Zoom Mandatory pre- registration […]
Mandatory pre- registration https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqcuqorD0oHdJsyURLM2PELMW4XJ1ITNut Materials are our interface with the world. They are the substance of the expression with whichbrands connect to their recipients, and […]
On Feb 16th, 2023 we have presented the new trends platform. The main focus is #REHAB, a powerful drive to recover and reactive brands and […]
Giulia Ceriani _baba president_ will introduce the upcoming trends and strategic scenarios. Together with Giulia, we are happy to host as a special discussant Maria […]
On the occasion of baba consulting’s 20th birthday we are pleased to invite you to a free webinar about the concept of RISK, its semantic […]
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